The Administrative Judge held another video status conference with us today, and shared some news about the EEOC’s plans for moving this case forward.
First, the Administrative Judge noted the concerns that we submitted regarding the EEOC’s mailing and website. The Administrative Judge thanked us for providing the information, and told us that the EEOC already addressed some of the concerns that we raised. For example, we reported that there had been some confusing information provided by the EEOC’s administrator. The judge informed us that the EEOC had addressed the issues to make sure that everything would be correct moving forward. While small logistical concerns routinely come up as part of large-scale administration processes, the Administrative Judge assured us that the EEOC is taking care to provide effective oversight and ensure a proper process.
Second, the Administrative Judge noted that review of claims has begun, and that she hopes to begin, if possible, issuing orders and decisions on claims in the coming months! The judge noted that there would need to be hearings to address questions on some claims, but that she believed that she had sufficient information on some claims to issue relief decisions. Nevertheless, please keep in mind that the Postal Service can, and probably will, appeal every decision by the Administrative Judge that is favorable to any claimant. We will continue to provide updates on this website when we learn additional information about orders or decisions being issued by the Administrative Judge on claims.
The Administrative Judge granted our request for additional time to submit evidence in response to the USPS argument that some claims missed the filing deadline. You should receive a mailing and e-mail from us if USPS has argued that your claim was untimely. If you have received that notice from us, please provide the requested information to us as soon as possible, but no later than February 10, 2023.
We believe that the Administrative Judge’s news from today means that we should see some real progress in 2023 toward a final result for your claim in this case. As always, please continue to monitor this website for any updates.