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Update – May 2019

Status Update

A lengthy status conference was held with the Administrative Judge on May 13, 2019. As before, the EEOC Judge indicated a strong desire to move the claims process forward as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the Judge emphasized that the very large number of claimants in this case is unprecedented, and the Judge observed that she has a limited amount of time and resources to devote to this case. Continued patience is therefore required.

One important issue was decided during the status conference. We had asked that the Judge order USPS to provide the NRP Activity Files for every Claimant directly to the Judge and the Claimants themselves. The Judge partially granted our motion. Pursuant to the Judge’s order, we will present the USPS attorneys with a list of all pages that were missing (or otherwise unreadable) from the USPS production of NRP Activity Files for Claimants who hired our law firms. The Judge ordered USPS to produce the identified documents to us no later than May 28, 2019. As a result of the Judge’s order, we soon should have all NRP Activity Files in connection with our firms’ clients. The Judge did not approve our request for NRP Activity Files to be provided regarding Claimants who did not hire our law firms, but said that she would wait to see the filings regarding those claims to determine whether she will order USPS to provide her with those NRP Activity Files at a later date.

In addition to issuing this order regarding NRP Activity Files, the EEOC Judge also explained that she is in the process of organizing all of the documents and information submitted by all claimants in this case. The Judge emphasized the very large volume of documentation submitted to her, and also indicated that limited time and assistance was available to her. The Judge expressed a hope that she could begin to review individual claims in late July or August. Again, the Judge demonstrated a strong desire to move the claims process forward as quickly as possible.

Please note that our firms (Thomas & Solomon, and Kator, Parks, Weiser & Harris) have stopped taking on new clients in this matter. If you have not previously retained our firms to represent you with your individual claim for relief, we are not now in a position to take on your case. If you have already hired our firms to represent you, we will be filing a legal brief in support of your claim.

Please continue to monitor this website for status updates. And if you are a client of our firms and you have not already done so, please complete and send to us a Declaration form as soon as possible (no later than May 28, 2019). (A copy of the Declaration form is available by clicking this link). Thank you!