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Update – February 27, 2019


On February 26, 2019, USPS attorneys filed a response to Class Counsel’s Motion for Entry of a Case Management Order. The Postal Service attacks Class Counsel’s role in the process, renaming them as “Phase I Class Counsel,” and referring to Ms. McConnell as “Phase I Class Agent.”

USPS asks that the EEOC simply take their word that all Class Members were properly notified in March 2018, despite evidence to the contrary.

USPS proposes that all Class Members move forward independently through a process that seeks to hide evidence from the Class Members and the EEOC Administrative Judge, seeks to endlessly hold up decisions on the relief claims, and ultimately undercuts every Class Member’s claim for relief.

A copy of the USPS Response brief and the USPS proposed Case Management Order is available by clicking here.

We will continue to vigorously oppose the Postal Service’s attempt to shield information from Class Members and the EEOC Administrative Judge. We will fight the USPS attempt to break apart the certified class and extinguish claims for relief one by one. We will strive for a fair and efficient process that considers all important evidence and provides all relief that is due to the victims of the NRP.

A status conference with the EEOC Administrative Judge is scheduled for March 20, 2019. We expect that the Administrative Judge will issue an order regarding these issues some time after the March 20, 2019 status conference. We will provide an update after the status conference.