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November 28, 2022 – Status Update

Today we had another video conference call with the Administrative Judge. In advance of this conference, per the request of the Administrative Judge, our offices re-submitted all claimant related documents for her consideration. Our offices and the Postal Service also worked on adding additional claimant information to the spreadsheet. The call was fairly brief. The Judge asked a few clarifying questions about the submissions. The Judge also set a briefing schedule for a sanctions motion recently filed by our offices against the Postal Service. Our offices filed a motion for sanctions regarding the repeated failure of the Postal Service to comply with the Administrative Judge’s Order to produce a single spreadsheet with all claimant information and instead hiding behind an argument already rejected by the Judge. We will provide an update as soon as a decision is issued regarding our motion for sanctions.

Before concluding the call, the Administrative Judge indicated that the EEOC plans to have a website available in the coming weeks that will be specifically devoted to this case. She also indicated that the EEOC intends to send a notice out of such website. To the best of our knowledge, the EEOC has never created a website devoted to a single case. We currently have no information regarding the nature of the EEOC’s website or the notice, so unfortunately cannot yet provide answers to questions you may have, but we will provide a detailed update as soon as we have additional information.

As a general reminder: if you hired our law firms to represent you, we will respond to any and all requests by the EEOC or the Postal Service for information about your claim, and our offices will contact you if more information is needed. In other words, please do not contact the EEOC or the Postal Service about your claim without checking with us first. Please call us if you have any questions about this.

As 2022 nears its conclusion, we note that all of us had hoped for more progress in this case. Our goal, like yours, is to continue fighting for a fair and reasonable outcome. Put another way, for all claimants who hired our law firms, we will not cease our fight on your behalf until the Postal Service provides a fair and reasonable resolution, or there is a final EEOC decision on your claim, whichever occurs first. Unfortunately, the Postal Service continues to dispute every single claim. And, while the Administrative Judge continues her admirable efforts to make meaningful progress on this case, the simple fact remains that the EEOC has never dealt with litigation like this, with over 28,000 claimants. We are cautiously optimistic that 2023 will be a year of significant forward movement on your claims.

We remain extremely grateful to all who have hired us to represent their interests in this fight against the Postal Service. We have notched many milestone successes in this case since 2006. Even though we cannot predict with certainty every twist and turn on the road ahead, we remain convinced that a fair and reasonable outcome can be achieved, if we continue forward with persistence and resolve.

Please check this website frequently for updates. And please call or email us if you have questions.