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Update – August 2021 – Status Update

Recently many claimants have been asking about the timeline as to when claims will be evaluated. Unfortunately, while it has been more than a year since the Judge initially ordered that up to five Special Masters be used in this process, no claims have yet been evaluated and we do not believe that any large volume of claims will be evaluated by fall of 2021. Indeed, while our attorneys submitted their list of five Special Master candidates, the Postal Service has attempted to delay things by filing objections and multiple appeals to prevent this process from moving forward. While each of these attempts to delay the action have been rejected, the Administrative Judge has not yet selected a Special Master. Until the Special Master (or Special Masters) have been appointed, the initial batch of claimants to be reviewed cannot be selected and thus no claims can be evaluated. We are hopeful though that in the near future we will hear from the Administrative Judge so that the process can move forward. We understand that this has been a long and frustrating journey, but as your attorneys, we will continue to take every action possible to help the Judge move this process forward! Please continue to check our website for updates in the coming months and as always, feel free to give us a call as to where things stand.