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Update – March 26, 2019

Status Update on Deadlines

Previously, we urged all of our clients to complete and return Declaration forms to us no later than March 25, 2019. If you have already done so, thank you! If you have not yet completed and returned the Declaration form to us, please do so as soon as possible. If we receive your completed Declaration form by April 1, 2019, we will be able to satisfy the deadlines in this case.

In the past few days, we have received a very large number of calls and emails related to this case. We are responding to each call and email in the order received. It may take a few days for us to work through this large volume of inquiries, but we are dedicated to handling every question from our clients in a timely manner. We greatly appreciate your patience during this process.

Please note that the answers to many questions can be found on this website (see below), or in the instructions letter that accompanied the Declaration form, or in the informational videos prepared by our firms (with links below).

We have filed an extension request with the Judge. The Judge indicated during our status conference last week that an order regarding our filing deadline would be forthcoming soon. We will take all steps necessary to provide the Judge with timely submissions for all our clients. As soon as the Judge issues a ruling on our motion for extension of time, we will post updated information on this website.

During the status conference last week, the Judge clearly indicated a strong desire to move the claim process forward as fast as possible, while also appreciating the logistical challenges associated with a case involving 28,000+ individual claims. Like the Judge, our ongoing pledge to you is to continue pushing the claims process forward as far as possible and as fast as possible. Please don’t be discouraged: we are closer than ever to obtaining the relief you deserve from the Postal Service!